A prosthetic bridge is a type of permanently cemented replacement for missing teeth. Using bridges, we are able to rebuild single or multiple gaps between teeth. Before starting treatment, we must perform detailed X-ray diagnostics. Sometimes it will be necessary to undergo root canal treatment of the tooth/tooth that is the future pillar. In order to use a bridge, it is necessary to grind the teeth adjacent to the section being filled, where the teeth are missing. After installing the bridge, the teeth look natural because the color of the porcelain is matched to the color of other teeth.

Porcelain Bridge

Stages of making bridges.

When planning to build a bridge, you should have approx 2 week period. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the number of visits may increase.

This is the basic scheme for making prosthetic bridges. We consult the planning of visits, course of treatment and costs individually with the patient. Remember that this type of work takes years to complete and we care about the best possible quality and aesthetics, so rushing is not recommended.

Composite Bridge (Adhesive):

Composite bridges belong to the group of adhesive connections that use micro-connections of the etched enamel surface with composite bonding systems. The method involves modeling an artificial composite tooth in the mouth. If conditions are favorable, it is possible to make a composite bridge enriched with a porcelain veneer. Usually, they are mainly missing upper lateral incisors.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need to grind healthy teeth, which makes such solutions reversible. Moreover, it can be used successfully in situations where other methods cannot be used, e.g. due to lack of adequate space for an implant or when the need to grind teeth for a classic bridge would be too mutilating or because the price is too high. The system for permanently replacing a missing tooth is limited to one two-hour visit.

Fiberglass Bridge:

A fiberglass bridge is a solution for people who do not want to grind the adjacent teeth as is the case with classic porcelain bridges. This solution involves gluing fiberglass to the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth and rebuilding a composite crown on it. This method allows you to fill the gap immediately after extraction, as a temporary solution. The irresistible advantage of a fiberglass bridge is the fact that it can be made in just one visit to the dentist's office, and the cost is relatively lower. An adhesive bridge is made when one tooth is missing.